The app for a better city

Citimon is an innovative interactive application that brings citizens and local governments closer together, facilitating digital reporting of urban problems and promoting more active civic participation.

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I my city

Citimon is an innovative active citizenship tool that connects citizens to government, enabling direct, real-time communication


Send real-time reports with photos and geolocation


Track the status of your reports and those in your area


You can exchange messages with your Municipality

Easy to use

The app has an intuitive and user-friendly interface

Integration with Agenda 2030 and European funding

An app like Citimon offers municipalities an opportunity to align their urban management policies with the Goals set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda and use funds available to the European Union by promoting more inclusive, sustainable and technologically innovative cities

Alignment with UN goals

Adopting Citimon falls under the UN Sustainable Development Goals because it improves the quality of life in the city, protects the environment and promotes citizen-municipal cooperation

Economic benefits and access to funds

Implementations of such applications can be part of projects funded by European funds earmarked for innovation, digitization and smart cities

European regulatory compliance

Civic participation responds to transparency guidelines and obligations to citizens, supporting the achievement of national and European priorities

Cost reduction and shared resources

Digital reporting simplifies interventions and speeds up land management, facilitating public spending and contributing to the rationalization of available funds

What is possible to report?

Problems with roads and sidewalks, damaged signs, graffiti and other such situations that are often not discovered immediately by the city administration can be reported. With the help of citizens, these critical issues can be resolved more quickly

Become an active part of your community

Citimon is not only technology, but also an accelerator of democratic participation. By encouraging the reporting of small and large everyday problems, the app helps citizens feel closer to institutions, increasing transparency and collaboration in line with the UN 2030 Agenda.

Take a photo and describe the problem

Once you submit your report, your municipality will check it, and if it is approved you can follow up to resolve it by receiving updates until it is completed.

Check on the map
Communicate with the Municipality

We carefully maintain our city

City government employees can effectively manage reports through a control panel that allows them to sort them, filter them, involve individual colleagues or offices in the resolution, initiate public conversations with the reporting citizen


A real-time overview of all active reports


Centralized management of activities among various municipal offices for faster response


Direct and transparent chat with citizensin the City's dedicated team for timely responses


Data collection, statistics and historical archiving of reports for internal and external reports

A smart municipality makes smart choices

By collaborating with public governance experts and academic institutions, Citimon is effectively positioned within the civic tech landscape, integrating best practices in transparency and accountability.

Identify critical issues more quickly
Manage workflows internally
Report successful resolution of the problem
Increasing citizens' confidence

Do you represent a Municipality?

Frequently Asked Questions

Citizens can download the free app for iOS or Android, register and, if their municipality is on Citimon, immediately begin submitting geolocated reports with photos and descriptions. They can then track the status of their reports and communicate directly with the administration.

Purtroppo Citimon ha bisogno della controparte comunale che riceve e coordina gli interventi. Quindi se il tuo Comune non è su Citimon l'unica opzione che hai è di scrivergli e fargli conoscere questa opportunità per loro di rendere gli interventi tempestivi e trasparenti nella loro esecuzione.

I cittadini possono vedere le proprie segnalazioni e quelle rese pubbliche dal comune. Gli operatori comunali hanno accesso a tutte le segnalazioni e possono gestirne la visibilità.

We use artificial intelligence to identify potentially inappropriate content, which is then reported to municipal workers for review.

Yes, a nickname can be used for public reporting, but the user's full information remains visible to the administration to ensure accountability.

Municipal workers may close duplicate reports, stating the reason. The user who opened the duplicate report will be informed.

Any municipal government can apply to activate its account with Citimon, even the smallest as its annual cost is calculated based on inhabitants. Contact us to schedule a meeting.

The intelligent solution for active citizenship and efficient urban management.

Do you represent a Municipality?

© 2025 Ex Machina Sagl - Lugano - Switzerland